About ayahuasca

What is ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca, also known as camarampi, yage, daime, caapi, siño, is a spirit plant medicine that has been used for thousands of years to cure illnesses and to explore the self by a myriad of different indigenous tribes in and around the Amazon basin. It is known as a master medicine because it cleanses on a physical, mental and spiritual level. That means it can help cure diseases ranging from an infected leg, to depression, alcoholism, cancers to witchcraft and spiritual imbalance. With the increasing stressors of modern-day life combined with the at-times growing artificial crevice between mankind and nature leading us to lean more toward the values of the material domain, it is not an odd thing that Ayahuasca is being more sought after for its healing properties. It was even recently given the honor as a national treasure by the Peruvian government for its “extraordinary therapeutic value” and for its pivotal role in the country’s cultural traditions.

Ayahuasca truly embodies what is holistic medicine at its core: the connection between the body, spirit and the mind. Unbalance in one plane quickly gets manifested in another and illnesses take shape. The medicine is also known as “la purga” (the purge). Traditionally, and still to this day, it was and is partly used to rid the body of parasites. Therefore many people may feel the medicine “working” its way through the stomach, intestines and gut. Ayahuasca also facilitates the release of so-called energy blockages or tensions. It is possible that in ayahuasca, the cleanse will materialize in the somatic body through the process of tears, defacation, vomit or laughter.

Our Medicine

Ayahuasca is a psychedelic medicine in the literal definition of the word “psychadelic”, meaning “manifesting of the mind”. If one is willing and accepting, this paradigm of healing and knowledge can open itself up and allow for quite transformative experiences. Because it is a medicine that is visionary and may induce changed sensory perception it is impossible to properly explain what the experience may be like, since it is an extremely personal journey and even changes one ceremony to another. It can be said that it helps you to enter the spiritual realm, gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. The medicine may bring about a changed sensory perception (visions, a drunken feeling), emotions or thoughts. Note that though you enter an altered state of consciousness, you generally do not lose consciousness.

Ayahuasca is not for everyone. It is serious and challenging work. Many describe it as being one of the most difficult things they’ve gone through, but at the same time one of the most rewarding. It is a journey that allows us to look into our darker sides, get a new perspective on our lives and illuminate memories or feelings that have been long suppressed. It can help reroute limiting behaviors like addictions and negative thought patterns as well as shed us of fears, traumas and social stigmas. To be able to get as much out of the experience as possible, it is crucial that the person come physically prepared (which is why we have the diet and our registration form in place) but also mentally with the discipline and respect needed as well as a genuine willingness to learn, grow and heal.

The Amazon rainforest is our pharmacy and the medicinal plants our doctors. Of these, ayahuasca is the most powerful one but there are many others we work with as well. For all medicines that we work with, we carefully collect the plants ourselves and prepare them in the traditional manner continuing our ancestors’ traditions. Our patients may at times have the opportunity to observe the process.

Some suggested further reading





Intelligence in Nature - Jeremy Narby

The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge - Jeremy Narby

More helpful resources

Read more about tobacco’s different uses, from removing parasites to toxins.

Read our recommendations on what to bring for your stay with us.

Read more about the Ashaninka lineage that we follow at Casa de Pawua.

Read our medical precautions to determine if a treatment using medicinal plants is a viable option for you.