Ayahuasca diet sample menu

At Casa de Pawua we follow a strict traditional diet during the treatment process, which may vary slightly (i.e. be even more strict depending on what our patients are being treated for). The most basic dieta is one without: red meat, fish (except fish with no teeth such as pacú), dairy products, oils, sugar, fruit, avocado, salt and spices. Boiled chicken and unsalted nuts are allowed but on a limited basis. 

To give you an idea of what the food may look like at Casa de Pawua, we have created a sample menu below. Note that in each instance, only one of the items in the checklist will be served. 


  • Avena (non-processed oats) boiled with water. Sometimes, a boiled plantain may be added later on in the diet.

  • Rice cooked without salt or oil with two boiled eggs. 

  • Boiled yuca with boiled eggs and sliced fresh vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrots)

Tambo diet

  • Avena (non-processed oats) boiled with water.

  • Boiled yuca with two eggs.

Lunch and Dinner

  • Grain (rice, quinoa or semolina pasta) with boiled eggs, fresh sliced vegetables

  • Boiled or grilled choclo (corn cob) with boiled or grilled mixed vegetables (eggplant, tomato, potato, 

  • Boiled yuca with steamed pacú (fish)

  • Pumpkin soup: pumpkin, tomatoes, potatoes

  • Mixed vegetable salsa with “jungle bread” (grilled bread made only from flour and water)

  • Chicken soup with vegetables

  • Semolina pasta with a “jungle pesto” (wild basil, brazil nuts, water). This is an item that may be served later on in the diet depending as well on which master plant the patient is working with.

Tambo diet

Note that in the tambo diet there are only two meals per day. Breakfast and lunch or breakfast and dinner.

  • Grain (rice or quinoa) with two boiled eggs, fresh sliced vegetables

  • Boiled or grilled choclo (corn cob) with two boiled eggs

  • Boiled yuca with steamed pacú (fish)

  • Quinoa with two boiled eggs

  • Mixed vegetable salsa with quinoa or rice

The Tambo diet is considerably more strict. In addition to less quantity and more restrained foods, Tambo dieters may not use any chemical products. This includes but is not limited to: toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, bug spray, sun lotion, regular lotion etc. All-natural alternatives may be used as determined by our maestro.

The different dietas that we offer

Dieta de ayahuasca

This is administered to prepare the body for the ayahuasca treatment.

Dieta de planta maestra

During this dieta, which has more food restrictions, the patient will also be prescribed a medicinal plant (remedio) each day.

Dieta de tambo

This is similar to the dieta de planta maestra with the exception that the meals are fewer and less varied. The patient is also in complete isolation.